Saturday, December 10, 2011

11 Months

This little guy is 11 months old today- unfortunately he is celebrating the day with a double ear infection and is miserable.   If I had to use one word to describe Nathan at 11 months it would be: TROUBLE

He is  constantly getting into things, pulling his sister's hair, making noise, and  climbing up, on and into whatever he can.   And now he is walking... watch out Magleby family.   Although he is exhausting to keep up I adore that he is all boy and I sure love the little stinker.

The Friday after Thanksgiving, I had to work so Scott was home with the kids. Nate was in his highchair in the kitchen finishing his breakfast when Scott had to help Liv in the bathroom. After he is done with Liv, Scott comes into the kitchen and finds Nate standing up in his highchair and climbing onto the kitchen counter.    Needless to say he now gets strapped into his highchair.

Last Friday I was off and was doing some stuff in my craft room downstairs.  Olivia who is my shadow when I am home says to me " Mom, I need to stamp something".  She is her mother's daughter.  


pitterbecky said...

Watch out when Evan and Nathan get together. Double Trouble! I too love the "all boy", but it's enough to make me pull my hair out sometimes!

Tigerlily said...

My kids ask me all the time if the can stamp up with me!