Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Olivia Turns Five and other happenings...

Miss Olivia turned 5 on Feb 3- it is hard for me to believe, but she is definitely growing up.  For her birthday we decided to have a bowling party.  I let our local bowling alley, Fat Cats, take care of the details and the kids had a great time...

On her actual birthday... 5 going on 13??
 From the party... she had 15 of her friends (including Nathan) come to the party and they had pizza, bowled, had cake, and played in the arcade.  Good times were had by all.

With her bestie Mckayla

Nate loved bowling and tied to take not only his own turn but everyone else's turn as well.

Also in February Scott's insurance guy gave us some tickets to a Jazz game.

On Valentine's Day I took the day off to get some things done before surgery (more later).  I spent the morning at the temple (I love that place and it had been way too long), had a lunch date with my favorite girl at our favorite Mexican place (a random stranger even bought our lunch- thank you random stranger), and then helped with the kid's Valentine's parties at preschool.

Nate is still enjoying his music class at BYU.... Aunt Becky sent him this superman shirt for Christmas and he thought he was pretty cool wearing it to music that morning...

BYU finished its regular season games- we have had so much fun going to the games as a family....


It has been unusually warm in Utah this February and we have enjoyed getting out and enjoying the sunshine after being cooped up for months.

On February 27 I had surgery... something that I have been putting off for too long.  I am still recovering, but I can already tell I am going to feel a lot better.  I am so grateful for Priesthood Blessings, wonderful family and friends who have helped me and my family, and for an overal healthy body- that I have taken for granted. 

Life is good at the Magleby House... extremely busy, but full of fun and love as we try to enjoy the everyday moments.

1 comment:

pitterbecky said...

So glad Nater likes his shirt! I got Ev a batman one and he LOVES it too! I guess one good thing about having some down time is getting to blog! Hope you are feeling better!