Thursday, October 2, 2008

Zumba- I'm a Fan!

I went to my first Zumba class two weeks ago. I was complaining to one of the aerobic instructors at Golds regarding the lack of kickboxing classes available. She told me that Zumba was the new rage, so I had to try it out. I am not the most coordinated person and at first the dance moves were a little tricky for me and I thought everyone was staring at the crazy girl (me) who can't get the steps right...but then I came to realize that I was being a little narcissistic- no one cared what I looked like. Now it is just fun and surprisingly a really good workout. (I apologize in advance for the scantly clad women in the video.)


crystal said...

Fun! Looks more like dancing...I like it!

Liz, in New York said...

This is Trent and Liz. We have to say that anything that deals with Latin beat, beaches, and swimsuits is going to be a win win for us!! Although, liz is not certain she's ready for swimming quite, yet. I think she looks great!

Dave, Lisa, Summer and Jace said...

Looks like a good workout. By the way we bought ticket to ride for Christmas from those guys that sell games by the stadium. It was really funny. Dave jumped out and bought it while we were waiting at the light. Thanks to you guys we have a new fav. game. But I'm not letting him open it until Christmas.:)