- Emma Rae, my newest niece, was born on July 15.- 7 lbs 12 oz, 21 inches, and a ton of hair.
- I got my first passport.
- We were called to the nursery, again.
- We finished all of the requirements for the adoption process and are now just waiting for my background check to clear through Idaho before we can be approved.
- Our garden began mass producing yellow squash- if you want some come and get it. We are also going to have about a million tomatoes in a month or so.
- Matt and Cindy came to visit for the weekend.
- Trent and Liz (our good friends from N.Y.) came over for dinner.
- I did three Stamp' Up Parties.
- We celebrated our 4th anniversary.
- We went camping twice (see posts below)
- I had LASIK (see post below).