Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Two Reasons I love my life

I had a bad day at work yesterday. I came home with a headache, was grouchy, and basically spent the night being negative. I fell asleep early, but was restless most of the night because I thought about work and what projects I had to complete, the laundry that needed to be folded, house to be cleaned and how there wasn't enough time in the day to do everything. Olivia woke up around 3:00 a.m. and didn't want to go back to sleep so I brought her in to bed with Scott and I. She snuggled right up and fell asleep. This morning after I got out of the shower I noticed that Scott and Olivia were cuddled up together on the bed and I couldn't help but thinking how blessed I am to have these two. I can deal with bad days at work as long as I can come home to these two every night...

Unfortunately the flash woke Miss Olivia up-what a bad mom I am.


Anonymous said...

That is adorable. Absolutely adorable. Everyone has those days. I'm glad you can recognize the good you have too! :)

crystal said...

I am sorry you had such a rotten day yesterday! That is a really sweet picture of Scott and Liv!!

pitterbecky said...

Sorry you had a such a rough time at work...I hate days like that. I love it when I get to bring Sophie into our bed to snuggle(although we don't do it too often). I don't usually get much sleep since she is quite the restless sleeper, but she seems to sleep really well. I figure before too long she won't want to come and snuggle, so I may as well enjoy it while she's little. Sophie saw the picture and said "Oh, they're having a snuggle party. Are they in Livy's crib?" Apparently she didn't think that one through:). Hope work gets better.

Liz, in New York said...

That sweet Olivia is the snuggliest little thing in this world. What a blessing to start the day with the two most important people in your life right there with you.